A note from Luis from B.I.T….
Shorty is a very special young lady who chose to stand up, take charge, and fight against her rapist! Her goal was simple….to make sure this animal NEVER rapes anyone again! We were able to show Shorty and her family that she was not alone and that we would be there with her thru the entire judicial process…and beyond. A special thank you to Delaney Henderson Mike Simpfenderfer, a director at PAVE (Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment) and B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse) for their continued dedication, support, and guidance in helping Shorty get her voice heard and allowing her to roar like a lion! I’m so proud of you Shorty!!!

PAVE Founder Angela Rose talks about healing from sexual assault, abuse and rape.

PAVE’s National Campus Sexual Assault Summit: Prevention, Empowerment, and Policy
Featuring Sarah Rice from MTV’s The Real World


WHAT: National nonprofit PAVE (Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment) present the National Campus Sexual Assault Summit: Prevention, Empowerment, and Policy, webcast live to 300 colleges nationwide from Georgetown University Law Center, with MTV’s Sarah Rice, among other guests.

WHEN: Friday, September 27, 2013

WHERE: Georgetown University Law Center
Room 207, McDonough Hall
600 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

12:40 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Welcome and Introduction
Angela Rose, Survivor and Activist, and Founder of PAVE

1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. – Surprise guest

1:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Panel 1- The Survivor’s Voice & Organizing on Campus
Laura Dunn, Survivor & Activist, Founder of SurvJustice, PAVE Ambassador, Media Commentator

Wendy Wyler, Survivor and Activist

1:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Panel 2 – Policy, Title IX, and the Justice System
Nancy Chi Cantalupo, Research Fellow at Victim Rights Law Center and Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown Law
Jen Luettel Schweer, Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Services Coordinator, Georgetown University

2:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Panel 3 – Serving Underrepresented Survivor Populations
Chris Anderson, Executive Director, MaleSurvivor
Anya Lakner, National Training and Policy Attorney, American Bar Association’s Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence

3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Panel 4 – Engaging Men in the Movement: Prevention and Bystander Intervention
Rhett Walker, Sexual Assault Prevention Specialist and Former Campus Training Coordinator, Men Can Stop Rape
Tim Stephens, Alumnus and Former Inter-Fraternity Council Vice President for Judicial Affairs, Delta Tau Delta and George Washington University

3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Panel 5 – Galvanizing the National Movement: Prevention and Empowerment
Sarah Rice, Survivor and Activist, MTV Reality Star
Angela Rose, Survivor and Activist, and Founder of PAVE

4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Q&A and Town Hall Discussion


Please sign the following petition to send a strong message to Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU). They have an obligation to keep its students safe from professors who sexually harass, so why are they keeping Professor David Chevan on staff? The administration needs to take more corrective and protective action!


“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,
Love like you’ll never be hurt,
Sing like there’s nobody listening,
And live like it’s heaven on earth.”
― William W. Purkey

PAVE Founder Angela Rose on Geraldo Rivera Radio Show on Friday, August 2, 2013 talking about the Cleveland kidnappings.

Survivor’s advice to Castro survivors

Published on Aug 1, 2013
Sexual assault survivor Angela Rose says any time you can shatter the silence about what happened, you reclaim power.

VISIT: http://www.ShatteringTheSilence.org and http://www.AngelaRosePAVE.com – TWEET Angela @AngelaRosePAVE

Angela’s book “Hope, Healing & Happiness: Going Inward to Transform Your Life” – CLICK HERE

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PAVE Founder Angela Rose in her weekly video blog.

Donate to Landen Gambill: http://www.gofundme.com/3ivgmg

When rape survivor Landen Gambill decided to report her rape to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she expected to be protected and treated fairly. After the University encouraged Landen to file a complaint in the University’s student-run Honor System, whose representative wrongly told Landen that she could not go to the police and file an Honor Court complaint at the same time, Landen was put through a mishandled, traumatic Honor Court trial in which she was blamed for being raped, told that women must leave their abusers the first time they are raped in order for the rape to be legitimate, and told not to show emotion during the trial because it was “distracting”—even though her rapist was allowed to cry. Landen’s abuser was found not guilty of sexual invasion and guilty of sexual harassment; however, that did not stop the University from placing her abuser in a residence hall in close proximity to Landen’s, despite her no-contact order against him. When Landen decided to join four other women from UNC in a Title IX Complaint with the Office of Civil Rights at the US Department of Education, the last thing she expected was for the University to charge her with an Honor Code violation for “intimidating” and “creating a disparaging environment” for her abuser—with the threat of expulsion as a result. Due to the dedicated advocacy of Clay Turner, Landen’s attorney, the Honor Court charge was dropped in June 2013 and the Office of Civil Rights has launched an investigation into the retaliation complaint. Now Landen needs your help paying for legal fees in order to complete the pursuit of justice for herself and survivors of sexual violence at colleges across the country.

Angela Rose at the Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) Leadership Training.

PAVE Founder Angela Rose with her video blog talking about the new Philly chapter of PAVE, Women in Federal Law Enforcement training, a Hope Fellow from Kosovo – and other news!